Pottery City Mysteries: Serial Killers, Foreign Spies and Mafia Ties
When I started this blog, I said that it wouldn’t be centered around murders. With all due intentions it’s still not. Even though the title of this post suggests otherwise, when I started out I was actually doing research for future post I’m working on looking at the East Liverpool area’s past ties to bootlegging and organized crime. While looking through murder files I came to the realization that something else may be to blame. Since 1797, there have been 116 known or suspected murders committed in East Liverpool, 26 of which remain unsolved today. While 26 out of 116 doesn’t sound to bad, you have to take into account that most of those unsolved crimes happened in bursts during very short periods of time. There were 4 unsolved murders in 1918, 5 between 1936-1945 and 8 between 1968-1973. *On February 12 th 1912 an unidentified male infant was found dead on the riverbank. *On July 2 nd 1915, an unidentified infant was found dead. Investigations concluded that the baby wa...